PLANS to build houses on an Steeton site that has been plagued by fly tipping have been withdrawn.

Wesley Charles Williamson had submitted an application to build five houses on a vacant site off Elmsley Street in October.

The application described the site as being used "for fly tipping, contractors dumping construction waste, the public using it as a car park and abandoned vehicles by young joyriders."

It was often littered by needles and empty beer cans - the application said.

However, Bradford Council's Conservation Officer Hannah Meekings raised concerns about the plans for the site, which is in the Steeton Conservation Area and close to Grade II listed St Stephen's Church. She argued building on it would damage the area's character and appearance.

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Her response to the application said: "I have substantial concerns about the proposed development and its impact on the character and appearance of the conservation area and the setting of the nearby heritage assets.  

"The application site contributes to a sense of openness and could make a more strongly positive contribution if it were cleared of rubbish and sensitively landscaped. 

"The openness of the site also facilitates important views across to the church and it forms part of the undeveloped setting of the Grade II listed heritage asset."

Steeton Parish Council had also recommended the plans be refused, saying it amounted to an overdevelopment of the land.

The plan was withdrawn this week.