BRADFORD is in the top 10 UK cities where you can where you can pay off your mortgage the quickest, according to a study.

Research from Coulters Property has identified the average house price and salary in every major town and city in the UK to reveal where you will need to work the most, or least, to pay off your mortgage if you put down a 15 per cent deposit.

Bradford is 10th in the table, with its average mortgage amount needed of £123,072, with 9,846 as the average number of hours needed to work to pay off a mortgage in Bradford. It also takes an average of 1,231 work days (of eight hours each) to pay off a mortgage.

It’s easier to save for a mortgage up north, with Sunderland ranking number one for the least hours needed to pay off a mortgage.

With an average mortgage of £96,678, people will only need to work 7,905 hours to pay off their mortgage.

Meanwhile, London is the UK city where it takes the longest to pay off a mortgage, for an average of 24,487 hours.