SIR - As 2021 begins and Covid-19 continues, one thing that the pandemic has exposed is a selfish element in society. The hoarders and the blatant rule breakers. Though they are still a minority, this is partly a product of a doctrine that has been in our society for decades. Unwisely, people have been encouraged to question authority and even morality. Regardless of what one thinks of lockdown rules, people should obey them.

The fine imposed on the Bradford hairdresser for illegal opening was correct. As much for the unfairness to the majority who obey, than for the actual danger they cause.

While I acknowledge police can't be everywhere, there are also questions about the enforcement of Covid-19 laws. Some people have been unfairly put in positions where their neighbours have broken rules in an obvious way. And in some cases, there has been a shift towards "shoot the messenger". Sometimes, people have been vilified for reporting clear breaches when it is the original culprits that should be condemned.

This huge element of selfish behaviour is the result of a form of individualism that makes people think they are special, to the point where they believe they are above the law.

Alan Bates, Bowland Avenue, Baildon