A LOCAL firefighter is back to spread Christmas cheer this year with a special festive song - featuring backing from one of the district's most famous brass bands.

Jonathan Arey is a firefighter at Rastrick fire station, but has a passion for singing in his spare time when he isn't busy keeping the community safe.

Last year he wrote a parody of The Pogues' Christmas classic Fairytale of New York which went viral, and he is back for 2020 with a new song - Floral Christmas Dance.

This year, he also has the backing of Brighouse & Rastrick Brass Band, one of the area's most successful and celebrated brass bands. 

Members of Brighouse & Rastrick all chipped in performing their brass instruments from home as part of the music video.

The video is aimed to bring Christmas spirit, while also spreading important information about staying safe during the Christmas period.

West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service is reminding people not to cook if they have been drinking alcohol, not to place candles near their tree or other flammable objects and to keep them out of reach of children, and to not attach decorations to radiators or heaters.

People are also reminded not to overload plug sockets and to unplug all decorations at night, and to check on elderly relatives who may be spending time alone over Christmas.

People are also reminded to make sure their cars are fit to be driven during winter and to not drink and drive.