PLANS to build an outside eating area in one of Bradford's Conservation Areas have been refused after the applicant referred to the wrong conservation area in their application.

The application, by Imran Bham, was to allow an outdoor seating area, complete with planters and parasols, as well as a container that would serve food in the car park of Southgate House on Thornton Road. It would be linked to a restaurant in the building, and was proposed due to Covid 19 restrictions on indoor dining.

A heritage statement in the application said it would "provide an analysis of the proposal within the conservation area as having no adverse impact on the heritage assets."

But Conservation officers pointed out that the statement included details of the Thornton Village Conservation Area - four miles away from the site, which lies in the Goitside Conservation Area.

Much of the heritage statement then goes on to detail the history and architecture of Thornton.

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Council Conservation officers said: "The submitted Heritage Statement, the purpose of which is to demonstrate that the applicant has considered the heritage significance of the area and justified or mitigated any potential impacts upon designated heritage assets, has been copy and pasted from the wrong conservation area appraisal.

"The application site is in the Goitside Conservation Area and not the Thornton Village Conservation Area. The application has therefore not been informed by an understanding of the character and setting of the Goitside Conservation Area.

"This is further evident in the poor design of proposal.

"The storage container and decking do not appear to be temporary structures, therefore the harm would be significant for an extended period of time."

The plans have now been refused by Bradford Council due to poor design, the lack of consideration of the impact on the Conservation area and a lack of detail of opening hours.