WEST Yorkshire Police have received a funding boost of more than £200,000 to tackle domestic abuse in the county.

The Home Office funding of £215,010 has been secured by Police and Crime Commissioner Mark Burns-Williamson and key partners.

The cash will be used to deliver perpetrator intervention services to stop domestic abuse at its root. In Bradford, an early intervention perpertrator worker will working in a multi-agency team to provide individual and whole family support.

There will also be a programme specifically aimed at South Asian communities which is culturally appropriate and relevant, and will include two workers with relevant language skills and an in-depth understanding of the potentially community-based barriers.

West Yorkshire wide there will also be a location tagging programme developed between police, the Probation Service and councils to assist in controlling and helping to rehabilitate offenders and protect communities.

Leeds will alos see a dedicated Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Worker work with relevant agencies.

Mr Burns-Williamson said: “The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it increased isolation, which has subsequently amplified the opportunity for domestic abuse to occur.

“It is an issue that is more relevant now than ever been before and one which we must act quickly to address, particularly as it is unacceptable behaviour and an offence that often goes unreported.

“The funding that we have now secured might just prove to be a lifeline to those whose circumstances have been exacerbated by the current situation.

“It will assist in delivering important perpetrator focussed programmes in local areas and also strengthen the evaluation of any positive interventions, so we can keep building upon our approach.

“To ensure the continuation of these crucial strands of work, both my office and key partners will be providing match funding beyond this Home Office funding.

“Tackling domestic abuse has been a constant theme throughout my Police and Crime Plan and I am committed to doing everything I can with partners to open new doors.

“For instance, I recently invested £362,600 into a two-year contract for the West Yorkshire Integrated Perpetrator and Victim Support Service that focuses on first time perpetrators of domestic abuse who receive a conditional caution in helping prevent further abuse.

“By working together in this way, we can be more effective in our endeavours to keep vulnerable people safe across our communities, recognising their specific needs in these very challenging times.”

Jude Roberts, Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Lead at Front Door Safeguarding Hub, added: “Working with perpetrators of domestic abuse is seen as an essential element to reducing domestic abuse and the impact on victims and children.

“Reducing reoffending and risk of harm posed by perpetrators will be achieved by engaging directly perpetrators around their behaviour and holding them to task through partnership working.”