A 56-YEAR old Bradford woman flew at another woman, brandishing an ornamental knife, in a row over her ex-partner.

Cheryl Fish, of Fairhaven Close, Bradford, turned up at her former boyfriend, William Sullivan's house shortly before 11pm in September last year.

She was carrying a half-empty bottle of whisky, Bradford Crown Court heard, and let herself in, only to find Mr Sullivan with two friends.

After accusing the woman of sleeping with her ex, she grabbed her chest and hair, then took an ornamental knife which had been on the wall, and threatened her with the weapon.

A second man received a cut to his finger as he tried to pull Fish off the woman she was attacking.

In the ensuing struggle, Fish kicked over an cat ornament, and later once she was outside, damaged plant pots outside the house.

In her defence, the court heard that Fish, who suffered from health issues, had moved home and stopped drinking.

She was also injured in the attack herself, and there had been a history of police call-outs of a domestic nature when the on-off couple had been together.

Judge Mansell QC said there had been an "unseemly melee" and noted that this had been "a wake-up call" for Fish.

Fish pleaded guilty to two counts of assault by beating and criminal damage.

Fish was made the subject of a community order for 18 months, with up to 25 rehabilitation activity requirement days.