SALTAIRE promoters The Live Room are streaming live gigs from artists' homes and studios this month.

Live Room organiser Ron Dukelow said: "We wanted to keep it simple but guarantee some income for the artists and ourselves, so we put a £10/£8 our members ticket, and a straight 70/30 split in favour of the artists. During Lockdown 1.0 we're proud that over 23 almost weekly shows from April, from artists across the globe, we drew over 2,300 viewers and paid almost £14,500 to artists for these exclusive evenings."

The Live Room is again streaming gigs, with five booked up to Christmas, starting with the Black Feathers on Sunday from 8pm. Others include Daoiri Farrell, Gilmore & Roberts (pictured), Lynne Hanson and Bill and The Belles. All gigs are available for a week with a pre-booked ticket. Visit