AN online pharmacy has partnered with St John Ambulance to launch a free drive-through flu vaccination clinic to further support and protect people this winter.

The service begins this week and will be initially trialled at Pharmacy2U’s head office in Leeds, with plans to roll out nationally.

The appointments, bookable on Pharmacy2U’s website, will be carried out by Pharmacy2U’s team of expert pharmacists, with trained St John Ambulance first aiders providing support within the drive through centre.

All team members will be wearing the appropriate PPE and conform to the highest NHS and Covid-19 standards.

This winter it’s more important than ever for people to protect themselves from flu as we simultaneously endure the Covid-19 pandemic.

This new service is being trialled in order to support patients in getting their flu vaccination easily and safely.

Patients must meet the NHS eligibility requirements in order to book an appointment, which include any of the following criteria: aged over 65, pregnant or having certain medical conditions.

For the full list of eligibility requirements, go to

For more information and to book your flu vaccination in a few clicks, go to