PEOPLE in Bradford have been urged to be aware of a scam featuring fake vehicle tax emails.

Action Fraud says it has received 188 reports over the weekend of the scam nationwide reported to be from the DVLA, saying the recipient’s vehicle is no longer taxed.

The fake email says: “Hello, we have generated a new invoice, and we suggest you to use a credit card instead of a debit, to avoid any other consequences that might appear in case again won’t be enough funds inside.

“It is illegal to drive your vehicle until you’ve taxed it.”


The email continues that if the recipient does not respond they will be fined £380.

It then includes a green coloured box which is a website with ‘Manage my vehicle TAX’ written on it.

Action Fraud says this is a scam and people who receive the email should not respond to it.

It urges anyone who has received this email to forward it to the Suspicious Email Reporting Service (SERS) –”

Action Fraud is the reporting centre for fraud and cyber crime committed in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

It has been set up for the reporting of incidents in which people have been scammed, defrauded or experienced cyber crime.

Anyone with any experiences of any of the scams can report them to @actionfrauduk or call 0300 123 2040.