Bradford Bulls stars David Solomona and Simon Finnigan will switch on the Christmas lights at Bradford Royal Infirmary on Monday at 11am, with the Lady Mayoress of Bradford, Janet Owen, doing the honours at St Luke's Hospital at 1.30pm.

They will be joined by schoolchildren from across the city who will sing Christmas carols at both BRI and St Luke's.

The children, aged from five to 11, will sing traditional favourites such as Away in a Manger.

Carols will be led by one of the hospital chaplains. Father Christmas will also take time out from his Christmas preparations to give gifts to the children.

Local schools have also taken part in a competition to design next year's official foundation trust Christmas card and winners in three age categories will be announced at the switching-on ceremony.

Each category will have a winner, a runner-up and a second runner-up. The official Christmas card will be chosen from these winners.

Miles Scott, chief executive, said: "The ceremonies are a wonderful way to develop our already strong links with the local community.

"The lights and cards are a great way to decorate our hospitals, at a time of year when it can be difficult to be in hospital."

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