A NEW food bank has opened in the Spen Valley to support families in the area who are going hungry.

Local businessman Shakeel Faraz and his charity The Magic Wishing Well decided to set up the food bank after hearing about the need for one in the area.

Mr Faraz said he wanted to give back to his local community.

"Whilst it is a sad state of affairs that in 2020 we still have people going hungry, I am determined to play my part in ensuring that local people get the support they need because I believe we all have a duty to help those who require it."

Local MP Tracy Brabin described the situation as "heart-breaking that our community needs yet another food bank because local people are not able to afford something as basic as food".

She said: "I am thankful to have such generous constituents who are prepared to volunteer their time, money and experience in setting up this foodbank. They represent the best of Batley and Spen.”

Mr Faraz thanked the MP and local councillors for supporting the food bank through its opening, as well as volunteers, donors and business partners

Heckmondwike Food Bank is on Oldfield Lane in the town and was opened on Monday, August 10.