THE COUNTY'S Police and Crime Commissioner has welcomed a watchdog's report that calls for better roads policing.

West Yorkshire PCC Mark Burns-Williamson said that the report by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) backed one of his priorities.

He said: “Whilst many have not always recognised the critical importance of road safety, it has been a topic that has remained a priority in my Police and Crime Plan, year after year.

“It is therefore no surprise that this latest report recommends others to adopt this same approach and I am acutely aware of why it has emerged high on the national agenda with some of the recommendations being made for policing generally.

“Following regular consultation with the public, it has always been identified by my office as a matter of particular importance to our communities.

“It is this feedback that has shaped our approach locally and placed it at the forefront of the Force’s operational response.

“Operation Safeway for instance, which launched earlier this week, is a perfect of example of the emphasis we have placed on preventing deaths and serious injury on our roads, through educational initiatives."

“Likewise, the fundamental ethos we have adopted in West Yorkshire of achieving a ‘Vision Zero’ approach alongside our local authority partners is indicative of the seriousness in which we view the associated issues of general road safety and also working closely with the national road safety charity BRAKE who are based in West Yorkshire.

“As well as its campaigning work to raise awareness of the issues, Brake also provides the National Road Victims Service. It is a crucial service which works alongside Police Family Liaison Officers to support victims including those bereaved by road traffic collisions”

“I welcome the recommendations from this report and I will be working through them with the Chief Constable, to ensure we continue to build upon the positive progress we have already made and do more.

“I will also be offering any support I can to the forthcoming national road safety round table discussion involving other PCCs, politicians and key figures within the road safety arena.”