An action campaign has been launched in a bid to avoid what road safety chiefs term "another December of death."

A scheme to boost road safety is being launched in the region after a black December last year for injuries and deaths.

On the Bradford district's roads, there were six deaths, 25 serious injuries and 204 other casualties.

Across West Yorkshire the casualty figure was close to 1,000, including 16 fatalities.

Now the emergency services, council road safety teams and other agencies are joining forces to spread the safety message to motorists and pedestrians.

As the Christmas party season gets under way, there will be a major anti-drink-driving information push.

And following a survey that showed nearly a third of drivers and passengers in the region failed to wear seatbelts, police will target those not complying with the legislation.

Also, pedestrians - particularly the elderly - will be urged to take extra care and wear high-visibility clothing.

Philip Gwynne, of West Yorkshire Casualty Reduction Partnership, said: "We want to prevent a repeat of all those Christmases ruined, ripped apart and wrecked through carelessness, brief moments of distraction or acts of selfishness on the roads."