DYNAMO has joined today's social media blackout in support of George Floyd and the "Black Lives Matter" movement.

George Floyd was a 46-year-old black man who died in Minneapolis, in the United States of America (USA), on May 25.

A video showed a white police officer kneeling on Mr Floyd for more than eight minutes, with 46-year-old telling police, "I can't breathe".

His death has sparked intense protests across the USA, with demonstrators desperately calling for an end to police violence.

Today has been marked as "Black Out Tuesday", with millions of people opting to come off social media for the day, as well as businesses choosing to cease trading to send a message of solidarity.

Many are also changing their profile pictures on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to a single black slate to further support the message.

Bradford magician, Dynamo, posted on Twitter at 8.30am to throw his weight behind the campaign.

He said: "Today my team and I are pausing the magic to stand in absolute solidarity with the black community."

Protestors and supporters online have urged people wanting to join the blackout campaign to not use the "Black Lives Matter" hashtag for "Black Out Tuesday".

This is because it is still being used for "resourceful images, important links and protest information" and campaigners do not want the feed to be clogged up with black slates/squares.