THE Sant Nirankari Mission has sent 'boost boxes' for key workers at Bradford Teaching Hospitals in a bid to say thank you for their work during the pandemic so far.

Created at the Centre for Oneness in Bradford, volunteers made hampers full of treats and snacks like cereal bars, Cup-A-Soups, noodles, rice pots and more as well as a selection of lip balms, moisturisers, hand creams and more.

Satguru Mata Sudiksha Ji Maharaj, spiritual head of Sant Nirankari Mission, reflected on the NHS efforts so far by saying: “So much responsibility, thought and energy is being used in every aspect of this difficult time.

"Irrespective of caste, colour or creed this selfless service is being carried out to all of humanity. May you all have strength and courage to continue."

Jane Britton, voluntary services manager for Bradford Teaching Hospitals trust, personally met with the volunteers to say thank you from a safe distance and receive the hampers.

To make it possible, the mission group made an appeal through Bradford Hospitals Charity.

Committee member Kulbinder Saandal said: “We have had an amazing response from our congregation members who have donated generously to this appeal, we hope the boost boxes serve up a little boost to Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust staff members. We are extremely proud and grateful for their dedication and commitment to serve”.

Mohinder Ram, who is in charge of local volunteers for the congregation, added: “Thank you, Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. We salute your continuing service and dedication through these difficult times. Our boost box donations are to one of four hospitals in the Yorkshire region. We are all one global family and we pray for the safety, good health and welfare for all NHS staff, Frontline and key workers and for all those affected and recovering from the coronavirus epidemic”.