THE number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Bradford has risen from seven to eight, according to the latest Public Health England.

It comes as the prime minister introduces school closures from Friday and new legislation on rent for struggling families who are self isolating.

Boris Johnson has urged the public to continue to make choices "more strictly and ruthlessly" in a bid to slow the number of coronavirus cases.

In his latest conference, Mr Johnson was joined by his team of health chiefs who explained coronavirus modelling is based on the idea that not everyone will follow it but high proportion of people sticking to regulation is needed for it to be effective. 

Schools will close for all pupils except children of key workers and the most vulnerable.

A voucher scheme will be introduced to make up for free school meals.

The PM also says nurseries and private schools will be asked to close. He says the government will reimburse the cost.

Mr Johnson said: "I'm a believer in freedom but these are very important choices we're making in our lives and more strictly and ruthlessly we can enforce upon ourselves about avoiding unnecessary gatherings, all that advice, the better we will be able to protect our NHS, the fewer deaths we will have, the faster we will get through this and bounce back eventually. This is strong, strong advice. We do not rule out taking further and faster measures in due course."