AN empty village furniture shop can be converted into a micro pub after new plans were approved.

Kathryn Thornton of Bronte Bars & Events submitted an application to turn the unit - 70 Haworth Road in Cross Roads, between Keighley and Haworth, from a shop to a bar called the Burnt Bear.

The application said the pub would sell craft ale and open from noon to 9pm on Sunday to Friday and to 10pm on Saturdays.

Bradford Council has now approved the plans. Planning officers said: "The furniture shop has been vacant for some time and as such the proposed development would bring a vacant unit back into productive use and provide jobs within the local area.

Plan for new micropub in Keighley town centre is approved

"The proposed use of micro pub is considered to be complimentary to surrounding uses given the presence of a restaurant and cafe to either side.

"The proposed use is compatible with the adjacent retail, leisure and office uses and is situated within a sustainable location that is served by public transport and has a large car park to the rear.

"No external alternations are proposed and there will be no significant

impact of the residential amenity of neighbouring occupiers."