DOES your dog have it what it takes to be on the stage?

If your pet pooch has star quality, it could end up in the spotlight at the Alhambra. Romantic opera La Boheme is heading to the theatre on Wednesday, March 25 and producer Ellen Kent said: "People say never work with children or animals, but I love to do both.

"We've had horses, dogs, goldfish, even a golden eagle with a 6ft wingspan on stage. When we last did La Boheme and asked people to volunteer their pets it was a huge success. We even used a rescue dog and found him dozens of new owners. I'm sure there's plenty of doggie talent out there."

The dog must be well behaved, small, used to people and quiet. The owner would need to be prepared go on stage in costume to look after their pet.

To audition your dog, email a photograph to Angela Klappa at

Include your contact number and address, as well as the dog's height, breed, weight, age and name.

Tickets for La Boheme are on (01274) 432000.