SIR - With reference to the article 'Get back to composting to boost recycling rates', (Craven Herald, February 13), in which Craven District Council shared their concerns about the challenges in improving recycling rates, reducing food waste and encouraging composting within the Craven area.

We would like to draw readers' attention to the already existing excellent resource which promotes all of the above within Craven and across North Yorkshire provided by the Craven Crew – winners of the ‘Greener Craven Award’ at the Craven Community Awards last week. We have for the past more than seven years been raising awareness of the benefits of home composting, reducing food waste and recycling to members of the public, both children and adults alike.

We are part of the North Yorkshire Rotters, a volunteer initiative funded by North Yorkshire County Council to impact on the issues highlighted, and as the project as a whole is now in its 13th year we must be doing something right!

There are 41 active volunteers across North Yorkshire delivering advice at different events across the county – Great Yorkshire and Harrogate Flower shows, numerous local shows - and interacting with the public to encourage recycling changes from all of us, which can have a huge impact collectively.

The NYRotters as a whole, but especially locally – the Craven Crew – liaise with local schools and voluntary groups WI, gardening groups, U3A, brownies, cubs, scouts, guides etc ,tailoring our own specific programme to the needs /requests/ ability of the individual group/school.

In order to create a memorable session with children we play games, sing songs (original compositions!) and focus on worms and making wormeries.

We are very happy to come and talk to any adult or children’s groups regarding

individual/group changes around recycling, reducing food waste and composting –there is no charge as this is part of the remit of the project. All our sessions are fun, interactive and informative.

Any change, however small – collectively has a positive impact environmentally: hence the saying :”It’s only 1 straw” said 8 million people.

For more information: or speak to Jeff Coates, North Yorkshire Rotter Co-ordinator, 01609 797212

Cath Wilson, Joan Nicholson, Janet Edmundson, Sara Allen

Craven Crew – winners of the Greener Craven Award 2020

North Yorkshire Rotters