LOCAL shops were forced to close their doors today in the aftermath of a fire in the Girlington area.

It was one of two fires that took place in Bradford last night, with the city centre also hit by a blaze which caused damage to buildings.

The fire on Girlington Road, Girlington was in close proximity to local businesses and homes and required the use of six fire engines and one aerial platform, as well as supporting resources and officers.

West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service said firefighters were called to the scene at 9.10pm.

They remained there this morning and were "damping down" the flames, according to a spokesperson from West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service.

The spokesperson also said that, by around 2.30pm today, most of the firefighters had left the scene, with only one crew from Huddersfield remaining.

When asked if the scene was now safe and if the flames had died down, the spokesperson, although not present at the scene, said, "West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service would never leave a scene without making it safe first."

Photographs from the scene appear to show damage to the roof of a building, although the cause of the fire has not yet been determined.

Police said it is not thought anyone has been injured in the incident.

The city centre blaze broke out across from City Park, believed to have started on one of the floors above the Royal Bet shop on Bridge Street. Smoke clouds spread across the sky and five fire engines were used to fight the flames.

Two of the fire engines were from Bradford fire station and were joined by engines from Odsal, Fairweather Green and Leeds fire stations. Two aerial platforms were also used, as well as ground monitors.

Today, in the early hours of the afternoon, a spokesperson from West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service said firefighters had left the scene, saying "No crews are still at the scene of the incident on Bridge Street."

Back in Girlington, Suhail Ahmed - manager of A1 Immigration, just a stone's throw from where the fire broke out - said, "We are all shocked as the fire took place close to many properties, including ours.

"Thankfully we are fine, except for experiencing a loss of electricity. Other than that, our property has not been damaged.

"We have not been open today but hopefully this won't affect business in the long-run."

A spokesperson from Auradey Naziria Islamic Centre, a Mosque a few doors down from where the fire took place, said, "This is a very unfortunate situation. It's hard for everyone as the road had to be cordoned off, but thankfully no one has been hurt. We have to thank the authorities as they are doing their best."

Councillor Kamran Hussain, of the Toller ward, which covers Girlington, said, "As of yet, the full facts as to what caused the fire are yet to be revealed - investigations are still taking place by the police and fire services.

"When incidents like this happen it sends shockwaves across local communities. But it's good news that no one has been hurt. If anyone knows any further information, they should contact the relevant authorities."