DOMESTIC abuse can happen to anyone and take many different forms. Many people think that this just involves physical violence, but it can also include psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional abuse.

West Yorkshire Police, as part of their 'It's in your hands' campaign, warned domestic abuse can ruin lives and tear families apart. But, the earlier someone seeks help, the more chance that they can keep their family together.

Read more: Domestic abuse perpetrators urged to seek help early on

'What would make me a domestic abuser?'

Controlling acts may include, but not be exclusive to, manipulation, intimidation, sexual coercion and psychological abuse. The behaviour is intended to make a person become submissive, or to isolate them from sources of support, such as their friends and family. It might include monitoring their time, or communication with others, including checking someone’s mobile phone or online communication.

It could also be exploiting their resources, such as their wages or access to money, depriving them of their independence and trying to regulate or control every day behaviour such as where they can go, who they can see and what to wear.

It may be stopping someone accessing specialist support services, repeatedly putting them down, humiliating or degrading them and making threats to hurt them or their children, or publish private information about them.

Something that may seem like harmless behaviour in isolation, can have devastating effects on a victim when they are subjected to repeated controlling behaviour.

'Which organisations can help me in Bradford?'

  • Maze can be contacted on 01422 386 506 and found online at
  • Project 6 can be phoned on 01535 610180 and emailed via
  • Arch Bradford can be contacted on 01274 809800 and found on