A HIGH rise building that was shut in February due to fire safety concerns remains empty.

Appleton Point, on Hamm Strasse, was evacuated on February 13 after the apartment building failed a fire inspection.

It was one of two apartment buildings in the city centre that had cladding made of Aluminium Composite Materials - similar to the cladding found on Grenfell Tower.

On Thursday, almost nine months after the building was vacated, Councillors will be told that the building is still empty.

Members of Bradford Council’s Regeneration and Environment Scrutiny Committee will be given an update on the Council’s involvement in residential high rise buildings following the Grenfell Tower disaster.

Since the tragedy two buildings in Bradford with ACM cladding have been identified, and members of the committee will be given updates on these buildings.

Cost of re-homing Appleton Point tenants is revealed

The prohibition notice on Appleton Point was served by West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service. The report to the committee says: “At the time of writing, the Prohibition Notice served by WYFRS remains in force and the building is currently empty. Officers from the Council and WYFRS continue to work with the owner of the building and their representatives to monitor progress with works required at the property.”

At the time it was evacuated the property was home to 120 residents, a mix of students and people on short term leases.

Were you evacuated from Appleton Point? We'd like to hear how the last 9 months have been for you. Phone our newsroom on 01274 705292 or email our newsdesk.

The other building identified as having the ACM cladding is Landmark House on Bank Street - opposite City Park.

Cladding on the building failed fire safety tests in 2017, although the Council said there was no need for the building to be evacuated, a number of safety measures were been introduced including 24/7 patrols.

In January an Improvement Notice was served under the Housing Act in respect of Landmark House. The notice requires works to be undertaken to address the hazard of fire and includes works to remove and replace the ACM cladding on the building.

A report to Thursday’s committee says: “This notice is currently the subject of an appeal to the First Tier Tribunal Property Chamber (Residential Property). The effect of the appeal is that the notice is suspended pending that appeal.

“Landmark House is, at the time of writing, subject to interim measures in line with the guidance issued by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government following joint inspection by the Council’s Housing Standards and Building Control Teams in partnership with the West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service. These interim measures are intended to minimise the fire risk to occupants but are considered a temporary measure. Officers from the Council and WYFRS continue to monitor the building to ensure that the interim measures remain in operation as agreed.”

The government has recently made funding available to support owners of private buildings to replace cladding. The report says the building owners have been made aware of this, but adds: “It is not yet known whether funds from the Private Sector Remediation Fund will be made available to the owners of Landmark House and Appleton Point.”

The Committee meets in City Hall at 5.30pm.