A SECONDARY school teacher caught hoarding hundreds of indecent images of young girls had lost his job and his partner, Bradford Crown Court heard today.

Richard Robson, who worked at a pupil referral unit in the Bradford area, confessed to having a sexual interest in children and searching for ‘female and pubescent’ on his computer.

Robson, 51, was dismissed from his job after police found more than 1,000 indecent photos and moving images at his home, including two at Category A, the highest level of seriousness. Two were at Category B and 1,005 at Category C.

Robson, who was sentenced to a community order, made no comment to the police when his computer equipment was seized on March 15, 2018, prosecutor Soheil Khan said.

After the images were discovered and he was interviewed again, in March this year, he said he had sought counselling with probation officers.

"He accepted having a sexual interest in children and searching for the terms ‘female and pubescent’ but denied anything sexual had ever happened between him and any of his students," Mr Khan told the court.

Robson pleaded guilty at the magistrates’ court on August 6 to three offences of making indecent images of children and he was sent to the crown court for sentence.

The Category A and B images included videos of girls aged between nine and 15, all created in May 2017.

Mr Khan said the offences were aggravated by the fact that the clips were of ‘some considerable length,’ one lasting 22 minutes.

The Category C images included girls as young as seven and were downloaded between April 2014 and February 2018.

Tom Rushbrooke, Robson’s solicitor advocate, said his client sought help and counselling between his two police interviews.

Robson, now of Salisbury Street, Blandford Forum, Dorset, worked at a charity shop and was still seeking professional assistance.

“He has been open with probation and not shied away from what he has done,’ Mr Rushbrooke said.

“He is deeply remorseful and ashamed. He has lost his job and his career and his partner of ten years has left him.”

Robson, of previous good character, had moved to live with his parents but his mother had died earlier this month.

“He is supporting his father in his time of need and trying to get on with his life. He has something he can offer back into the community, but this will limit him for the rest of his days,” Mr Rushbrooke said.

Judge David Hatton QC told Robson: “It is perfectly clear to me that you are a remorseful man, deeply ashamed of your conduct.

“You have lost a lot; your career and wife and some of your family. It is a very sad business.

“You are to be commended for your frankness and your efforts to put this unlawful history behind you.”

Robson was sentenced to a two-year community order with a 30-day rehabilitation activity requirement.

He was made the subject of a five-year Sexual Harm Prevention Order and he must sign on the sex offender register for five years.