ADORABLE Reggie the cat has been reunited with his owner after four years - and was found just a over a mile away from home.

Linda Ullah, 53, had resigned herself to the fact she would never see Reggie the cat again after he disappeared from her Odsal home.

But to her amazement, she received a call earlier this week with the incredible news that his chip had been scanned and he was just up the road in Wibsey.

Linda said Reggie disappeared shortly after she moved house. While they’d kept him inside for three weeks, one day he went out and never came back.

And despite efforts to find him - leafleting the area, asking people to look for him and following up on Facebook sightings - Reggie was never found.

Speaking about the moment she got the call, Linda said: “I couldn’t believe it.

“I never thought we’d find him after so much time.

“That’s the magic of the chip.”

Linda said she presumed someone had taken him in, but is over the moon to have him home safe and well.

She said: “We got him when he was a kitten - he was really tiny.

“He’s more loving now than he was before he left. He’s lovely - he’s still a handsome boy, just bigger.”

Now it’s just hoped he’ll get on with his new sisters, Lily and Bluebell.

The reunion came thanks to Elaine Holdsworth, of Briarwood Drive, Wibsey, who got to know Reggie over the last couple of years when he began to eat the food she put out for foxes.

Elaine, 52, said: “I never thought much of it - I just got used to him coming out on a night.

“I just thought to myself - maybe it’s a cat just topping itself up.”

About a month ago, Elaine decided to put cat food near to her garden and gradually, Reggie began to get closer.

Elaine then decided to message cat rescuer Paula Thoma, 50, to see if there was a possibility he could be chipped - which to their delight he was and they were able to get in touch with Linda.

They reunited Reggie with his family that same night, bringing a happy end to the story.

The feline even still answered to his name.

“It was so lovely,” Elaine said.

“I was so over the moon he was chipped.

Paula said the fact that Reggie was both neutered and microchipped played a key role in keeping him safe and getting him home.

She urged other cat owners to follow this example.

Paula, of Catwoman Rescue, can be found on Facebook or can be contacted via email at paulathoma@