“West Yorkshire is united in the fight against all forms of exploitation."

That was the message from a special safeguarding workshop arranged by Mark Burns-Williamson, West Yorkshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC).

Representatives from each of the districts Safeguarding Adults, Safeguarding Children, Community Safety and Health and Well Being Boards and Partnerships were present at the event which was held yesterday.

Each of the districts gave a collaborative presentation on the work they are doing to safeguard people and support the PCCs Police and Crime Plan.

The conference took place at Unity Hall in Wakefield and included a dedicated session exploring what more can be done to keep vulnerable people safe.

The impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), something which is widely believed to have an enormous impact on individuals, families and communities was also discussed at length.

Mr Burns-Williamson said: “It’s our joint aim to reduce harm and ultimately rid our communities of exploitation and abuses.

“This will remain our ambition and something we absolutely have to work together on.

“Exploitation covers many forms and can include sexual exploitation, criminal exploitation as well as modern slavery to name just a few. It can affect a wide range of people both children and adults and may occur in institutions, communities and domestic settings.

“These exploitations are often interlinked with each other and can stem from wider vulnerabilities.

“The workshop was created to explore how all five districts of West Yorkshire can improve our collective response in helping to prevent exploitation and abuses working with the police and many other organisations.”