HEAD verger David Worsley, will be showing his pottery prowess this Friday from 6:30pm at the Turn of the Wheel exhibition at Bradford Cathedral.

For seven years before joining the cathedral, David was a potter making handmade ceramic tableware.

His pots are characterised by their clean lines and simple shapes, with the surface decoration created out of the process of the pot’s making.

Speaking to the cathedral's website, David admitted that, although he had an MA in sculpture and had been an artist for 30 years, he had never done pottery until a "lightbulb moment" when walking through Roberts Park.

He said: "I knew nothing about clay, I’d never touched it before, didn’t know how it worked, didn’t know what a potter was.

"But I think the reason for making pottery after art was because I wanted to bring a beautiful object together with a functional object.

"You can bring that aesthetically pleasing object into your home and eat your porridge out of it, or drink your mug of tea."