Parents of youngsters battling mental health issues are invited to an annual mental health fair in Pudsey.

The event, hosted by 4 All of Us, a locally based health & environment events company, will help children, teenagers, families, parents, grandparents and professionals to access the latest guidance and support on mental health across Yorkshire.

The free event will be hosted at Pudsey Civic Hall from 9am on October 12th to coincide with International Mental Health day.

Organiser Scott Buckler said: “Mental health problems affect about one in 10 children and young people. Alarmingly 70 per cent of children and young people who experience a mental health problem have not had appropriate interventions at a sufficiently early age.

"As a parent going to the GP and not getting anywhere except a leaflet it can be quite frustrating. We feel that information for professionals is there but as parents, as someone with a daughter with anxiety, it's to signpost what's out there.

"It's just giving them a platform."