SIR - I write on behalf of my constituents of the east ward of Skipton with reference to the proposed housing development off Aldersley Avenue, Skipton.

I have examined the plans and know this site well.

I object strongly to the development of these houses in this location.

I would like to point out Craven district's local emerging plan and settlement strategy.

The large-scale development in an open countryside location like this will only be permitted where it is demonstrated that there is an overriding need for the proposal due to the requirements of utility services, transport, minerals supply and national security.

The proposed development has no grounds for this, the plans should be of high standard and landscape should respect the local context provided by the existing buildings and topography.

The proposal should also respect the density, scale, height, proportion, of existing buildings this is not the case on these plans.

The housing provision requires justification and needs to be addressed as the need for a housing need of affordable homes within the parish of the east ward.

The development will not address these needs as the homes are clearly not affordable for the residents.

The proposed access is not fit for purpose with the one way in and out and this will cause major issues with extra traffic and congestion not to mention the pollution aspect due to cars being stationary at the pinch point on Shortbank road under the railway bridge.

The buildings on this plan have changed but they are still overbearing the existing residents’ homes and the plans have not addressed enough to the concerns of residents and are still not being met. There have been no provisions for community centres or small local amenities in this plan as the area has nothing like this. And the residents must travel across the other side of town for basic provisions.

Should this plan be approved, it will not only create the extra traffic problems but will also have a detrimental effect on local services, such as doctors, schools, dentists, utilities, highways maintenance and extra refuse collections and the disposal which could lead to environmental issues.

Town councillor Darren Shaw

Aldersley Avenue,


Note: Persimmon Homes has appealed to the Planning Inspectorate against Craven District Council's refusal of its plans to build 98 homes at the site.