A COUNCILLOR is trying to encourage more youth understanding of, and involvement in, politics and democracy.

Smithfield County Cllr Adrienne Jeorrett, spoke at a meeting of Caia Park Community Council about the importance of encouraging children and teenagers to learn about how they are governed locally and nationally.

Cllr Jeorrett said she wants fellow members to met with members of the younger generation in a bid to teach them what councillors do, and how the community and country is governed.

She has suggested moving the venue of meetings to different venues where young people are to get them to engage.

Cllr Jeorrett said: "If we could possibly hold community council meetings in venues where young people are, even if it is only once or twice a year, that would be something.

"Perhaps councillors could also go in and visit schools."

Chair of the council, Wynnstay County Cllr Malcolm King said they would have to think creatively about ways they could engage with the younger generations as previous attempts had been unsuccessful and it was not worth trying to repeat them.

He said there was often confusion too about the roles of a community or town council, and Wrexham Council.

But Cllr King added that he also felt there was a lack of understanding amongst youngsters about how national government, and local authorities work and that they should make efforts to change this.

Members agreed it was something they should discuss further and agreed to put it on the agenda for their July meeting.