AN appeal that would allow an unauthorised ATM to be retained on a Bradford city centre building has been dismissed.

A retrospective application for a cash machine and large white panel at the Pound City on Westgate, submitted by Cashzone, was refused by Bradford Council this week.#

A window panel of the building has been filled in to install the ATM.

The building is in a Conservation Area, and planning officers said the ATM and its fittings, including a large white panel, "has a rather stark appearance and detracts significantly from the appearance and character of this building."

The company appealed the decision, and now a government planning inspector has backed the Council's decision. They said the panel and not the actual ATM was the main issue, adding: "The development has involved infilling one window with a white panel which contains an ATM.

"It is a stark feature which is out of keeping with the use of glazing and the solid form diminishes from the appreciation of the more open appearance of the windows.

"It detracts from the contribution of the building to the significance of the conservation area."