KEY priorities have been set out in Baildon Town Council's 'Baildon Plan 2019'.

The town council asked residents to complete a questionnaire about the issues they considered most important for the town.

The results, taken from the 459 participants, have now been analysed and incorporated into the updated plan.

This will be used to underpin the town council's future work.

The top four issues were promoting crime prevention and community safety, tackling litter and fly-tipping, protecting and enhancing public and green spaces and supporting local businesses and job creation.

Councillor Chris Flecknoe said: “Baildon Town Council recognises that it has an important role to facilitate and enable positive local projects.

"We need the help of all local residents to address the priorities in the Baildon Plan. For example, residents might feel inspired to start or join a Neighbourhood Watch Group where they live, or they might join one of the litter-picking expeditions across Baildon, or offer to volunteer with "Baildon in Bloom" - and we can all assist local businesses by buying local.

"This May marks the end of the four-year term of office for the current town councillors and it is hoped that when the new Council is elected in May, the Baildon Plan will provide a useful reference document to help keep Council decision-making on track.

"We are very grateful to all those who took part in the survey and to all the active citizens that help to make Baildon such a lovely place to live.”

Copies of The Baildon Plan are available from Baildon Library, local community centres and churches, as well as the Bracken Hall Countryside Centre.

The updated plan can also be read online at