A robber, a drug dealer and a danger driver are among those to have been jailed in Bradford this week. Here's a round-up of those locked up in Bradford in the last seven days.

Knife-wielding robber

A knife-wielding robber who terrorised a Poundland, two McDonald’s and a newsagents in a six-day crime spree was jailed for ten and a half years.

Cameron Woodhead, 21, of Idle Road, Eccleshill, went to his first target on November 1, 2018, less than an hour after leaving Trafalgar House police station.

Sentencing Woodhead, Judge David Hatton QC said: “During the space of five or six days you committed four offences of robbery or attempted robbery.

For the attempted robbery of Poundland, Woodhead for jailed for ten and a half years

For the two McDonald’s robberies and the attempted robbery of Quenchers newsagents, he received four and half years for each.

For possessing a kitchen knife on each occasion, he was jailed for a year for each. All the sentences are to be served concurrently.

Drug dealing dad

A Bradford father, who began street-dealing drugs to bring in some extra cash after being cut off by his family, was jailed for two years.

Khurram Yasin, 26, of Lister Avenue, East Bowling, admitted possessing both cocaine and cannabis with intent to supply.

Appearing before Bradford Crown Court this week, he was described as a street-dealer not part of a drugs ring.

Abigail Langford, prosecuting, said Yasin has been in a car which was stopped by police officers on Broad Lane in Cutler Heights on March 13 last year.

He was the passenger in the vehicle and his mobile phone was seized along with a number of wraps of cannabis and cocaine, she added.

The cannabis amounted to 12.7g, worth £127 and the cocaine was worth £87.50.

Late-night attack

A man who targeted a “vulnerable” member of the public in a late-night attack before going on the run has been jailed for a total of 20 months.

Phillip Mee, of Villier Court, Allerton, pleaded guilty to attempted robbery after going on the run for six months.

The 20-year-old, who was 19 at the time and living on the streets, was with a 14-year-old when they spotted a man in his 50s withdraw some cash in Cheapside in the city centre just after midnight on October 4, 2017.

They followed the man to Norfolk Gardens, where they attacked the man from behind, knocking him to the floor and kicking him on the ground.

Prosecutor Peter Adams said they then tried to find the man’s wallet, but realising what was happening the man rolled onto his side.

The appearance of a taxi then caused the pair to flee, and another taxi driver had already called police, who were led to a bus stop in Centenary Square where the pair were arrested.

Physical injuries to the victim were minor, but he was left feeling “scared and humiliated”, said Mr Adams.

Driver had drunk bottle of vodka

A man who borrowed his boss’ car to go and pick up his children after drinking a bottle of vodka has been jailed for eight months.

Tomas Zejdl, 32, of Little Horton Lane, was stopped by police in Weetwood Road at 11.55pm on November 30, 2018, but when an officer walked towards the Skoda Octavia he was driving, he sped off.

As he attempted to turn into Aberford Road, he lost control of the car and crashed through a fence in Aberford Road. He extricated himself from the fence and continued to flee from police, continuing onto Whetley Lane and then attempting to make another turn at speed. The 500 metre chase finally came to an end when he crashed into a brick boundary wall.

Police found him laying across the front seats of the vehicle. Zejdl refused to do a breath tests, but after being arrested and tested at Trafalgar House police station was found to be 2.5 times over the drink-drive limit.

Controlling behaviour

A man who bombarded his former partner with messages demanding she tell him where she was at all times has been jailed for 15 months.

James Leadbeater, 24, of Wyke Lane, Wyke, pleaded guilty to controlling or coercive behaviour in an intimate relationship relating to a ten-month period in 2017 and 2018.

He would constantly text her asking where she was, and to send photos to prove where she was, and would also drive to her ex-partner’s house to check she wasn’t there.

She split from her partner to be with Leadbeater, but the two remained on good terms as they shared custody of their two children.

Leadbeater would accuse her of getting back with her ex, and would threaten to hurt her in front of the children, prosecutor Heather Gilmore told Bradford Crown Court yesterday.