A TEENAGER who led police on a “blue light” pursuit in ice and snow across central Bradford has been locked up for 15 months.

Aqib Ali, 18, panicked and put his foot down because he was not insured to drive his mother’s car but got behind the wheel to collect a video game, Bradford Crown Court heard on Monday.

Ali, of Bronshill Grove, Allerton, Bradford, was ordered to stop after committing a minor traffic offence in the Sunbridge Road area shortly before 5pm on March 4 last year.

There had been a heavy snowfall and it was below freezing when Ali sped off in the 16 year old Toyota Corolla, prosecutor Philip Adams said.

He was chased along seven roads in central Bradford, hitting 80mph on Thornton Road, running a red light and a Give Way sign and going 150 yards along the wrong side of a dual carriageway, forcing oncoming vehicles to swerve or stop.

Ali lost control of the car on Hoxton Street and tried to reverse off when the police blocked him in. He fled on foot but his passenger was apprehended at the scene.

When officers visited Ali’s home the following day, he made full admissions, the court was told.

He had held a full driving licence for two months and did not want to lose it, he said.

Ali pleaded guilty to dangerous driving and driving uninsured.

His barrister, Nick Askins, said Ali had been a named driver on the car to take his mother to hospital but was not insured on that day.

His probation officer said he was “polite and courteous” and he had no previous convictions.

Mr Askins said Ali was only 18 and others spoke very well of him.

He was working towards a job in the security industry.

Ali’s mother had serious health problems and he was her registered carer.

Mr Askins asked the court to “take and exceptional course” and spare him an immediate custodial sentence.

Judge Jonathan Rose said there was no doubt that Ali’s mother had a debilitating illness and relied on her son for support, assistance and care.

But he had driven without insurance to collect or deliver a video game.

“This was nothing to do with your Mum and everything to do with you,” the judge said.

Ali had led the police on a pursuit along some of the city’s busiest streets at speeds of up to 80mph.

There was heavy snow and the roads were icy.

“It is perhaps nothing short of miraculous that nobody was seriously injured or killed,” Judge Rose said.

Ali was sent to a young offender institution and banned from driving for 37 months. He must take an extended test to drive again.