YORKSHIRE businesses will be able to network and get digital at an international event in Bradford next year.

The "Up Your Game" business matchmaking event runs for two days next February in collaboration with the five-day Yorkshire Games Festival, in Bradford's National Science and Media Museum.

Regional companies will be given the opportunity to meet top creative innovators and explore how new technology can be applied to boost growth and profitability.

This includes a look at how tech such as games and virtual reality (VR) can help with marketing, sales, staff training and product visualisation.

VR has opened various opportunities across multiple sectors in recent years, with one example being clothing retail where customers can virtually try on clothes.

There will also several business support agencies at the event to explain available funding opportunities.

Councillor Alex Ross-Shaw, Bradford Council’s Executive Member for Regeneration, Planning & Transport, said: “This international event is a really exciting opportunity for all Bradford companies to find out about innovative technology related to the video game industry that could be relevant to their business, and to network and collaborate with businesses from around the world.

He added: "We hope that the Bradford and wider northern business community will get behind the event and get involved, to see how they might benefit from embracing new technology - and also have a great time in the process.”

Bradford Council’s Enterprise Europe Network organised "Up Your Game" which takes place on February 7 and 8 in 2019.

For more information visit: upyourgame.b2match.io/