SHIPLEY Library free drop-in session on Tuesday, October 2, so people can find out about local volunteering opportunities.

The session runs from 2-4pm and a member of the Volunteer Centre, Bradford, will be on hand to offer advice and support for anyone thinking about volunteering.

“There are a lot of opportunities to volunteer in the Shipley area,” explained advisor Lorraine Greenald, “from helping out at one off events such as the Lantern Festival in Lister Park to more regular volunteering with local charities.”

Volunteering is great way to meet new people, gain new skills or simply get out of the house and do something different. This session is a way of finding out what is available locally without having to make any type of commitment there and then.

Information will be available to take away, along with contact details of the charities involved. Bradford Volunteer Centre works with more than 500 charities and community organisations across the district. But many people prefer to support causes that are close to home. The drop-in will highlight the great work done by groups in the Shipley, Bingley, Wrose and Baildon areas and show residents how they can help.