LIFE experiences are very much the back-bone of Geoff Lee’s entertaining tomes.

Born in the Lancashire glass town of St Helens in September 1939, Geoff has packed a lot into his life so far and readers of his previous books can relate to his writing as the milestones possibly mirror those of their own.

Work and family are at the forefront of his tales which focus largely on life and in Geoff’s case, it is certainly a one well lived.

Another passion is sport, in particular rugby, a game Geoff, who now lives in Keighley, talks extensively about in all three of his novels - the most recent ‘Three Good Years.’

Geoff’s first taste of working life came pea picking in the summer and potato picking in Autumn in fields around Eccleston and Rainford while he was still at school.

He progressed to a proper career in 1957 becoming an apprentice at BICC (British Insulated Callenders’ Cables) and spent his working life as a draughtsman - a profession which would provide him with plenty of material for his first book - the appropriately titled ‘Tales of a Northern Draughtsman’ in 1988.

For eight years it remained a work in progress - once finished his search for a publisher took another two years before ‘One Winter’ finally went to print with a title change prompted by the publisher.

‘One Winter’ was set during what Geoff recalls the terrible winter of 1962 to 1963. The seasons inspired Geoff’s further writings - ‘One Spring’ set in the early 1970s; ‘One Summer’ set in the early 1980s; ‘One Autumn’ set in 1992 and 1993 and ‘Two Seasons’ set in 2002 and 2003.

His latest book ‘Three Good Years’ picks up the familiar thread readers of Geoff’s books have come to know and love - working life, family and friends and rugby league focusing on a character who, just like Geoff, is an electrical draughtsman enabling him to paint a true picture from his own personal experience.

Set between 2006 and 2008, ‘Three Good Years’ touches on topical issues such as the world banking crisis and the impact on the public of Blair and Brown’s actions in the New Labour Governments.

Geoff’s inspiration for putting pen to paper is listening to anecdotes from those around him whether he’s travelling on the bus or train or enjoying a drink in the pub.

His books are chatty, easy reads with real characters, such as Saints fan Alan - from whom we learn much about how rugby played a big part in family life - and his wife Thelma and work colleagues Cliff and Colin, all relatively easy-going folk who readers can relate to.

Each page takes us through a chapter in history; recalling times of great camarderie when workplaces were staffed by thousands not a few - another sign of the time Geoff draws on through his stories.

‘Back in the 1970s when around 8,000 people worked at Wilkinson’s Engineering Works in Ashurst, the room would have been full, but today there were just eight members of the Drawing Office sat there,” writes Geoff.

He talks of the old workmates popping by and the catch-ups they shared with colleagues past and present, where they were and what they were doing now; of life changing events, the ailments and illnesses and why we should all be grateful for the NHS - anecdotes mixed with real life experiences which wouldn’t be out of place as a topic of conversation in homes and workplaces up and down the country.

‘Three Good Years’ has that cosy and comforting familiarity and Geoff’s recollections, inspired through his own life experiences and recalled through the entertaining characters he has created certainly provide entertaining reading.

There’s an educational element too - those of us who weren’t around during the earlier decades to which Geoff refers can discover what life was like and how things have changed, some more dramatically than others, and how communities always cope - we can all learn something from that.

Sally Clifford