ANOTHER traffic light beggar pretending to be homeless has been reported by police.

PC Andy Jefferey, of the Bradford East Neighbourhood Policing Team, said the man was sat at lights on Leeds Road, in the Bowling/Barkerend area.

He shared a picture of the sign, which said "Homeless please help with food or change. God bless all you."

PC Jefferey tweeted: "Male homeless - No.

"Male has money - Yes. 

"Male reported for the offence - Yes.

"Male leaves area and goes HOME."

Police have said they are working with partner agencies to address the issue of begging across the district. 

A spokesperson said: “This includes those who have been seen at road junctions trying to attract donations from people passing in vehicles and on foot. This is a dangerous practice for obvious reasons and these individuals should not be encouraged.

“Partner agencies are engaging with all those seen begging to see what assistance they can offer and officers are taking positive action against those who refuse to accept help, or using aggressive behaviour towards members of the public.

“Begging is a criminal offence under the Vagrancy Act 1824 and our officers will continue to take positive action against people who engage in this practice, using all the powers that are available to us.

“Anyone who suspects that a beggar is obtaining money by deception is advised to report the matter to their local policing team, so further enquiries can be made as to that individual’s welfare and steps can be taken to address them.

“If people want to donate money we would encourage them to give to the organisations who help those in need."