Developers “are trying everything they can to screw councils”.

That’s the alarming opinion of a senior Kirklees councillor who said his experiences of liaising with developers over contentious issues are akin to a comedy script.

To laughter from colleagues in the council chamber Clr Steve Hall said if he was ever to write a book it would be called ‘The Life and Times of a Frustrated Planning Chair’.

But he countered the humour with a side-swipe at developers who, he said, used an array of excuses to wriggle out of their obligations.

“I’m sure other colleagues are getting frustrated. The way I see it, whenever we come in here for strategic planning it’s like going into a battle.

“And that battle is against developers because developers now are twisting every way that they can to screw councils.”

He accused developers of concocting “elaborate schemes” to avoid paying Section 106 money – contributions paid by developers towards community and social infrastructure – or building genuinely affordable homes.

He said a true representation of “affordable” meant a combination of tenures and mixed housing such as bungalows, and small flats as well as five-bed homes.

And, alongside other council colleagues, he demanded an immediate end to the right-to-buy scheme, which took social housing out of the rental sector.

He said viability studies had evened out the playing field slightly, with one recent scheme netting the council £600,000 in contributions.

But other plans, such as developers reporting “abnormal” elements on their sites, continued to cause headaches.

“You could write a Monty Python script with some of the stuff they come out with. ‘We’ve just started digging and you’ll never guess what we’ve found.’ They’ve found asbestos, concrete, a big hole. Their digger’s disappeared – it’s fallen down a pit shaft. All sorts of stuff like that.

“Yet the poor little lambs still end up with a 20% profit.

“Affordable homes are only affordable once. It doesn’t matter if they sell ten times they should always be 20% below comparable [prices] of those around them. That way it is affordable.

“Right-to-buy should be stopped immediately. It should have been stopped years ago. It’s one of the reasons that we’re in the mess that we’re in. There are some poor sods in our society can’t afford them and that’s those on zero hour contracts.

“I want this strategy to work but we’re only as good as developers make us to deliver these houses. We’re passing them but it’s up to developers to start and work with us. It’s time that developers did try to work with us better and stopped trying to screw us.”

