A GOLF club has opened a new shelter for its hard-pressed members.

The ‘Packett Inn’ at Shipley Golf Club has been providing welcome relief on the course for 25 years, but has been revamped to provide comfort for players who need to take a break.

Andrew Packett, whose family funded the shelter, said: “My dad, Duncan, had the original idea for the ‘Packett Inn’.

He was sheltering under a tree near the tenth hole on one miserably wet and cold day and thought it would be nice if players could at least have some sort of shelter to protect them from the worst of the elements.”

The original ‘Inn’ was built near the tenth hole because that’s the nearest place to walk off the course, if you want to ‘pack it in’. “

Inside the finished shelter is a kitchen, toilet, comfortable chairs and, for winter days, it comes with its own heating system to keep golfers happy.