ANOTHER attempt to open a dessert cafe on an “exceptionally busy” road junction are likely to be refused by Bradford Council.

The proposed cafe, on the junction of Allerton Road and Pearson Lane, would be open as late as half past midnight, and signs have already been installed on the building to say a business called Ice Hut Creamery is “opening soon”.

The unit was built as a shop to replace a fire damaged unit, and a planning application to change this use to a cafe was refused earlier this year.

Next Wednesday Bradford Council’s Bradford Area Planning Panel will decide whether to approve a similar application, submitted by Usman Yaqoob. Planning officers have recommended the plans be refused, saying the business would attract an unacceptable amount of traffic on a busy junction.

The plans do not include any parking spaces, and when the last application was refused, officers said the cafe, which would open until 11pm on Monday to Friday and half past midnight on weekends, would attract a number of people who would likely park on the double yellow lines around the junction. They added: “The lack of convenient on street parking is likely to result in indiscriminate parking on and around the junction which will result in conditions prejudicial to highway and pedestrian safety as well as inconvenience and disturbance to surrounding residents.”

The newest applications has led to similar concerns. A report that will be presented to members of the panel says the proposed cafe would be “located close to several major traffic routes that carry large volumes of traffic at most times of the day.”

It points out that there have been five car crashes on the mini roundabout next to the site, and another two just 50 metres away. Officers say that while a shop the size of the unit would only require two parking spaces, a cafe of that size would need at least 10.

Although the planning application says customers could park on nearby streets, the report says: “The majority of this parking is remote from the development and customers arriving by car are unlikely to park any distance away especially if they are just dropping in to pick up something. A café use is likely to attract a larger number of customers and there is concern that due to the lack of available parking customers will pull in front of the premises.This will result in inconvenience and disturbance to surrounding residents through intensification of the use of the site with additional vehicle movements through late into the night and into the early morning.

The panel meets at Bradford City Hall at 10am next Wednesday.