Funding has been granted to put up two new signs in Bowling Cemetery to help prevent further vandalism.

At the East Bowling Neighbourhood Forum tonight, Bernard Dunwoodie, acting area co-ordinator for Bradford North, who chaired the meeting, said the signs will give details of who to contact if residents see any problems. The notices are expected to go up within the next couple of weeks.

He said: "The signs will give good clear information.

"If people see any issues of concern then they will be able to ring the number which will be on the sign and it will get dealt with.

"We needed funding to put the signs up and we were able to get this through the Safer Communities Team."

The cemetery has been plagued by vandals over five years and incidents have ranged from the smashing of tombstones to destruction of fences and damage to the chapel.

There have been two single-issue neighbourhood meetings focusing on the cemetery and a third is to be organised in the next few weeks.

Mr Dunwoodie said details of this meeting will be sent to those who have attended previous meetings and those interested from the meeting last night.

For more information contact Bradford North Area Co-ordinator's Office on (01274) 431066.