A Bingley School has achieved the Arts Mark gold status from the Arts Council.

Beckfoot School was given the nod for its commitment to providing a wide-range of arts activities, including drama, music, design, dance and sculpture.

Headteacher David Horn said he was "thrilled".

He said: "The arts plays a huge role in the aspiration and success culture here at Beckfoot and I am delighted that the Arts Council has recognised Beckfoot School's progressive arts education programme which enables students to work with in partnership with artists and arts organisations "As an arts college we have a full range of arts activities happening at Beckfoot both through curricular and extra curricular activities."

Andy Carver, executive director for Arts Council England, Yorkshire, said: "Our congratulations go to all the schools who have achieved an Arts Mark award. Enhancing opportunities for young people to take part in the arts is central to our work. The arts help young people to reach their full potential, both in their educational achievement and personal development.

"An Arts Mark award recognises the strong arts provision and commitment to the arts in the successful schools."