Relatives from Skipton of missing four-year-old Madeleine McCann will play a part in keeping alive the campaign to find her.

This Friday marks 50 days since the little girl was abducted during a family holiday in Praia Da Luz in the Algarve, Portugal.

At 50 destinations across the world 50 balloons will be launched bearing labels and pictures of Madeleine in a bid to help find her.

Skipton resident Anne-Marie Wright, who is the cousin of Madeleine's mum, Kate, has organised a balloon launch in the town.

It will take place at 3.15pm at Water Street School - where Mrs Wright's son, Patrick, is a pupil and members of the public are invited to come along.

Skipton's Birthdays store has donated the balloons.

Mrs Wright's husband, Michael, went out to Portugal only days after the youngster was snatched to help support the McCanns.

And Mrs Wright has since been out to the Algarve twice and on the last occasion she and her husband looked after Madeleine's brother and sister, two-year-old twins Sean and Amelie, while Kate and Gerry, Madeleine's dad, journeyed to Morocco.

Mrs Wright, of Park Avenue, said: "It was nice to be useful and to see the twins was lovely."

She said her cousin and her husband were emotionally up and down and tired from all the travelling around.

But she said the couple were determined to keep up the hunt for their daughter Mrs Wright said she hoped people would turn up to help set the balloons free and said other primary schools or organisations could organise similar events.