THE jury has retired to consider its verdicts in the trial of a former teacher accused of raping and sexually abusing a boy.

David Cole, 57, is alleged to have committed the offences at his then address in the Keighley area in the 1990s, when the child was aged between six and 13.

Cole is on trial at Bradford Crown Court pleading not guilty to ten charges of indecent assault and three of rape.

Now living in Durrant Road, Poole, Dorset, he was sentenced in 2001 after pleading guilty to gross indecency with a 14-year-old boy and supplying him with Ecstasy and cannabis. In 2013, Cole admitted offences of indecent assault and gross indecency involving a 13-year-old boy.

Cole told the jury he was innocent of the accusations by the third boy, now a man in his thirties.

He said he was churchgoer who had been on extensive sexual offender treatment programmes.

The jury will resume its deliberations on Monday.