A MAN suffered burns to his hand after trying to deal with a chip-pan fire at his house in Bradford.

Fire crews from Shipley station were called to a detached property on Brookwater Drive, Wrose, at about 8.50pm yesterday.

A spokesman for the station said the man, aged in his 30s, had burned his hand while trying to get the chip-pan out of the property.

He was given treatment at the scene by firefighters before going to Bradford Royal Infirmary.

Four other people - one adult and three children - in the house were not injured. The property had working smoke alarms, said the fire service, which alerted the people in the property to the blaze.

The fire service spokesman said: "The fire was out on arrival, but there was a substantial amount of fire damage to the kitchen. The house was heavily smoke-logged."

He also issued a warning about chip-pan fires, saying: "In the olden days, people were happy to tackle chip-pan fires, but we are finding that people are suffering injuries nowadays trying to tackle them.

"Our advice is to turn off the heat if you can do, leave the kitchen, close the door, get everyone out of the property and call 999.

"We have the right equipment to deal with these kind of fires to protect us from injury.

"It is quite a common thing these days, people getting injured by chip-pan fires. This man was really lucky in the end.

"He had suffered burns to his hand. Fire crews applied a burn shield dressing to his hand and the casualty then went to hospital for further treatment."

He added a warning should anyone decide to tackle a chip-pan fire: "Definitely do not put water on a chip-pan fire as that only inflames it."

Fire engines from Shipley and Bradford attended the incident and were there for about one and a half hours.

The spokesman added that fire crews from Shipley would be out and about in the area over the next few days if anyone wanted to stop them and ask for a free fire safety check for their home.