More than four abortions were carried out every day in Bradford and Airedale last year, with ten per cent of them involving girls under 18.

According to figures released by the Department of Health 1,649 abortions were carried out in the Bradford and Airedale Primary Care Trust area in 2006.

But that was 42 fewer than in 2005 - bucking the national trend which saw a four per cent increase across England and Wales.

In 2006, in the trust's area, 505 women aged 20 to 24 had an abortion, 207 aged 18 to 19 and 161 girls under 18. Another 351 women aged 25 to 29 had the procedure, 229 who were 30 to 34 and 196 women over 35.

Eighty-nine per cent of the total number of abortions in the area were carried out before 13 weeks with 53 per cent before week ten of the pregnancy.

Health Minister Caroline Flint said: "We welcome the fact that a higher percentage of abortions are taking place at an early stage - almost two-thirds under ten weeks gestation and most under 13 weeks.

"It is important that women have early access to abortion services as, the earlier the abortion, the lower the risk of complications.

"However, the NHS needs to work harder to reduce the demand for abortions by improving access to contraception."

The 2005 figures showed substantial differences in the former PCT areas before the merger to create Bradford and Airedale PCT.

Bradford City PCT recorded 612 abortions, Bradford South and West 517, Airedale PCT 293 and North Bradford 269.

The picture mirrors that of 2006 with most terminations being carried out on women under 24.

Across England and Wales, the number of abortions rose from 186,416 in 2005 to 193,737 last year - up almost four per cent.

And 90 per cent of abortions were carried out at under 13 weeks gestation, with 68 per cent in the first ten weeks of pregnancy.

Keighley's Ann Cryer is one of a number of MPs calling on the Government to ensure voluntary counselling is available for women wanting to talk through a possible abortion.

She said the "psychological distress" can be very damaging. "It is not always the abortion that is the most stressful," she said. "Some women may not want it but it should be there for those who do."

"In Parliament, we have MPs who are trying to reduce the 24-week time allowed where a woman can have an abortion and I fear some want to see a time like pre-1967 when it was illegal. We cannot let that happen.

"We have to believe in the right of the woman to control her fertility."