THE Government's new counter-extremism strategy is likely to alienate Muslims and fuel suspicion they are a "suspect community", according to campaigners in Bradford.

Lobby group JUST West Yorkshire and two of the city's Labour MPs have strongly criticised the proposals which include bans on radical preachers posting material online, and internet firms working more closely with police to stop extremist material being disseminated.

The plans will see anyone with a conviction or civil order for terrorist or extremist activity automatically barred from working with children and vulnerable people.

The Government also plans to create powers to close 'mosques' where extremists meet.

Bradford West Labour MP Naz Shah accused the Government of failing to ask a single person in Bradford for their views about how best to tackle extremist ideologies.

And the city's Council for Mosques said there had been no meaningful consultation.

JUST West Yorkshire said plans to extend powers to remove passports from 16-17 years olds at risk of joining groups such as Islamic State were "anti-libertarian" in the absence of independent judicial oversight.

Alyas Karmani, of JUST West Yorkshire, said: "The enhanced powers given to the police to stop internet firms from disseminating extremist material will only serve to further fuel the suspicion among Muslims that they are being treated as a suspect community."

He added: "The proposals related to Muslim staff working in the public sector being vetted as 'non-extremists' by panels and not their non-Muslim co-workers and colleagues is deeply disturbing."

Ms Shah said the Government had consulted the "usual suspects" who were promoting the same failed strategy which had not involved anyone in Bradford.

"I feel the Government is scared of having real dialogue. This is a cross-party issue and there are parliamentarians who are au fait with the issues but they haven't been spoken to."

Bradford East Labour MP Imran Hussain said: "What we need to see are not more measures restricting freedoms, which will prove counter-productive and do nothing to further counter-extremism efforts, but a strategy, proven to work, that puts safeguarding at its heart with greater focus on preventing radicalisation."

Parts of the new strategy were described as "worrying vague" by Amnesty International.

But Keith Vaz, chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee, welcomed the "promise of further action to tackle extremism", adding: "These measures will only be successful if we have a big conversation with the Muslim community, and let them take the lead in eradicating radicalisation."

Amjad Bashir, Conservative MEP for Yorkshire and the Humber, said: "The Government is to be congratulated for extending the rights of parents to get children's passports to revoked if there is a fear they are being radicalised.

"Criticisms that the measures will be unfair or ineffective are wide of the mark.

"Some groups have moaned, for example, that the move will not stop youngsters being radicalised online, when that is the area where greatest danger lies.

"Yet there is no one silver-bullet solution to beat extremism. Instead we must employ a whole range of different tactics to meet different threats.

"Just because a measure does not solve everything, that does not mean we should not let it help where it can.

"Muslim parents deserve the state's full backing if they fear their youngsters are being targeted."

Home Secretary Theresa May, writing exclusively in today's Telegraph & Argus, has urged the people of Bradford to combat all forms of extremism, including those on the far right.

Mrs May said: "The Government will do all in its power to tackle the most dangerous extremists who pose the greatest threat. But we cannot do this alone. So I call on the people of Bradford and the rest of West Yorkshire to join me in ensuring that extremism is rejected and opposed in all its forms."

Selina Ullah, of the Bradford Muslim Women's Council, said the strategy "demonised" Muslims and proposed the removal of civil liberties.

"One they go, you don't get them back. This strategy alienates Muslims and is going to increase radicalisation. The question is, who is the Government speaking to?"