A 24-YEAR-OLD man who shook his baby son causing a bleed on the brain, and then cast suspicion on the child's mother and grandmother, has been jailed for 28 months.

The Bradford man, who cannot be named to protect the identity of his son, pleaded guilty to causing the little boy grievous bodily harm in August, 2012, and to neglect by delaying to seek medical help for him.

He was sentenced at Bradford Crown Court yesterday by Judge Mark Savill, who accused him of "persistent and devious efforts" to escape blame.

Prosecutor Denise Breen-Lawton said the 19-week-old baby was being cared for by the man, who was then 22, while his partner was out shopping.


The couple took the child to casualty at Bradford Royal Infirmary when he was sick and became "pale and floppy."

He was found to have a subdural haemorrhage and retinal haemorrhaging consistent with being shaken.

Both parents were arrested and the child was taken into foster care for nine months while investigations continued.

The man at first said he accidentally dropped his son, but doctors found his injuries to have been caused by forceful shaking.

He eventually confessed to "a momentary loss of control" when caring for the teething baby while tired after working long shifts.

Rebecca Young said in mitigation that he found it difficult to admit what he had done.

He had been an excellent and caring father and the offences were completely out of character.

Judge Savill told the man he had made "quite disgraceful efforts to incriminate others."

"You should have had the courage and the decency to come clean," said Judge Savill.

Miss Breen-Lawton said the child, now aged three, appeared to have made a full recovery.