A VICTIM of a hit and run driver will need reconstructive surgery after fracturing his cheekbone in the collision.

Russell Jenkinson, 56, also needed more than 20 stitches in a head wound after he was "poleaxed" by the car.

Mr Jenkinson was crossing Manchester Road, close to Bankfoot Post Office, after a night out with friends when he was struck by a silver five-door saloon car, possibly a Peugeot.

Mr Jenkinson's brother, Howard, has seen CCTV footage of the accident. He said as witnesses rushed to help, the driver of the car pulled up in Carrbottom Road, got out and looked at what was happening, but then drove away.

Howard Jenkinson said: "It is clear from the CCTV that it was a hit and run. It is absolutely scandalous. He should have looked after him, like the other people. He has just driven off not knowing whether he has killed him."

He said his brother had been detained in Bradford Royal Infirmary for 36 hours. His face turned black and his eye had swollen.

"It was a miracle he could see out of his right eye. But his cheekbone was fractured and will have to be reconstructed," he added.

After the accident, a man and woman travelling on the opposite carriageway stopped and went to help Russell Jenkinson, who had been spun round and thrown to the ground.

"The whole family want to thank those people who attended to Russell at the scene. We are very grateful for that," Mr Jenkinson.

Mr Jenkinson said it was "incredible" that ten days after the accident police had not collected the CCTV from the post office and it had taken that long to put out a full appeal for witnesses.

He said his brother had worked for Bradford Council as a refuse collector for more than 30 years. He lived with his brother and their parents in Rooley Crescent.

"It is such a shock. Russell was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He doesn't remember anything about it.

"Russell is much loved. Everybody knows him. He is a close follower of Woodlands cricket club and a big fan of the Bradford League. He knows Anthony McGrath and a lot of the Yorkshire cricketers. He loves his sport," he said.

"I urge anyone who knows the driver or vehicle, or has any information at all, to contact the police."

PC Paul Conroy, from Bradford District Safer Roads and Neighbourhood Support team, said: "Failing to stop at the scene of an accident is a serious offence. Fortunately, on this occasion the victim's injuries were not life threatening, however, we urgently need to speak to the driver of the vehicle involved and would ask them to come forward.

"I would also ask anyone who witnessed the incident, or who has information that may help the police, to get in touch."

Anyone with information is asked to contact PC Paul Conroy via: 101 quoting crime reference 0058 of March 22 or through Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.